Appartement Solstein
Claudia Haas
A-6100 Seefeld | Tirol
Münchnerstrasse 700
Phone +43(0)52 12 / 30 46
Fax +43(0)52 12 / 27 41-6

UID: ATU 30929109
IBAN AT665700000140040641
Swift Code: HYPT AT 22
Hypo Telfs, BLZ 57000, Kto. Nr. 140040641 |

Buerostark |

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Appartement Solstein continuously checks and updates the contents of this web site. Despite all due care, some data may have changed since they were published. No liability or guarantee can therefore be assumed for the relevance, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, nor for the contents of other web sites to which we provide links. We reserve the right to change or amend the information contained in this web site. Reproduction of the information or data, in particular the use of texts, text sections or graphic material from this web site, requires the prior written consent of Appartement Solstein.

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